Hmm, with respect (1), I don't think omniscient would make a great difference to the discussion as it would simply devolve to "what are the things which can be known", and then I think we'll be back to whether counterfactuals and best of all possible world propositions are objectively there to know.
With respect (2), I am more inclined to believe that God can ordain logical contradictions than the other way round! For a rather amusing account of the response to Descartes absolute omnipotence argument, see here, you just need to read the Preface: athens-and-jerusalem.pdf (
But that said, I do actually prefer the term almighty at least even if I am undecided on what "omnipotence" means philosophically., you can see here: Divine Infinity as "Allness" vs "Without Limits"; Infinitesimals vs Scholasticism | LatitudeEvangelicals